Meet Our Characters

Explore the diverse beings that inhabit The Worldwalker Universe and discover their unique stories and abilities. This page is a work in progress, I've only included a small handful of characters for our launch!

Koteki Kirigama

Koteki Kirigama is a potential heir to the golden throne and a famous duelist. In terms of one to one melee combat, she is unmatched and has not lost a duel in many years.

In order to prove she is deserving of her throne. Koteki must best each of her thirteen sisters. Due to the loss of her father, however, her focus has temporarily shifted toward bringing down the AE Coalition, a terrorist organization responsible for the bombing of Lai Inoi.

Like all members of the shai Kirigama family she comes equipped with a unique bloodline magic called The Strings of Fate, wires of ethereal energy which she and her sisters use in different and varying ways.

She has a hard exterior but can be quite soft once she trusts someone. Currently, she assists The Worldwalker in his various adventures while seeking out justice for her father.

Worldwalker Flip

Flip is as stubborn to a fault, refusing to bend even when the weight of the world is on his shoulders. Magically unstable and equally dangerous to both himself and his enemies, he is the only human capable of naturally wielding both light and dark magics - pulling energy from the iniquity and ethereal plane with ease.

Trained by the best (such as Koteki Kirigama) he was pulled from his home upon reaching adulthood against his will. His memories were tampered with by the slipstream, but he still remembers bits and pieces of his homeworld, earth.

Despite his overwhelming magic strength and creativity in combat, Flip is constantly forced to adapt to the situation around him, as multiple governments and entities of immense power either want him dead or want him to work for them.

He officially affiliates with no faction. He wanders from planet to planet, going where he thinks he is needed. And with his network of friends and contacts, he can get almost anything done. He is The Worldwalker.

Sapphire of Erdfresser

Sapphire is beautiful, even by shai standards. Distrusting of almost everyone and jaded to the world, she hides behind a veil of flirtatious smiles.

Her parents left her at a young age, unable to feed her after a disaster struck her small village on the desert world Erdfresser. This forced Sapphire to grow up fast, living on the cutthroat streets of Oasia as a pickpocket and eventually, an assassin. Behind those playful smiles is a serious woman who takes nothing for granted and expects life to remain cruel.

Sapphire is one of the rare few capable of greater illusion magic. She uses this in her dances to entrance spectators or distract a guard before going in for the kill.

A street performer during the day, a cold killer at night, Sapphire fears no man and feels the most comfortable in urban environments. Eventually, she made her way to The Isle of Eternity - where she met Hitashi Whitewater and began working for The Celestials.

You can read more about her in Isle of Eternity: Sapphire Heart - which releases soon!

Hitashi Whitewater

Hitashi is a celestial monk living on The Isle of Eternity. Disciplined although at times quick to anger, he strives to better himself and others by following The Celestial Tennants.

Together with the speaking key Kagi, he wanders the island country of Maru and serves the local populace. Hitashi is an immortal - an individual capable of reviving from the black tar pits of The Isle of Eternity upon death. He uses this gift to aid others.

Hitashi was locked in a stalemate with a dark entity called Tortious for years, with his first encounter starting on his fifteenth birthday and his final encounter just after his twenty-third. Once every two to three weeks, sometimes every week, Hitashi would make the journey to Tortoise Isle in an attempt to stop the dark entity from gaining enough power to leave it's blackened tar pit.

This ended after a great deal of sacrifice from a woman who was in love with Hitashi. Hitashi was forced to live with her decision, and has dedicated himself to ensuring nobody else would have to make the same sacrifice.

When the time comes, he will do it. That is the role of a monk, after all.

Monoka Tress

Monoka is a master of the wilds with a key focus on hunting, scavenging and fishing. She travels with a pair of stripehounds, Chou and Zen. The trio travel The Isle of Eternity together, spending most of their time away from civilization to avoid causing any problems.

Much like Hitashi, Monoka is an immortal - an individual capable of reviving from the black tar pits of The Isle of Eternity. Because of this she is not trusted in many small villages who recognize her face and companions.

Despite all of this, Monoka has a chipper attitude and a positive outlook on life. She has her enemies of course, everyone does, but give her a drink and a night to talk and she'll quickly make a friend of you.

Monoka's family comes from the northern tribes of Maru, dark-skinned folk who hunt leviathans and whales in boats off the northern coast of Maru. This is incredibly dangerous due to the surrounding waters being so hazardous, and as such the northerners have a reputation for being skilled hunters and sailors. Monoka herself is not much of a sailor, but a hunter? You'll find few better.

Rita "Forge" Koi

Rita has a love of weapons and infusion magic, more commonly referred to as enchanting. Earning the nickname "Miss Forge" and becoming well-known for her amazing equipment at a young age, Rita works long, hard days to craft what she calls "Worthy" equipment.

Preffering to support her allies from the forge, she makes sure her friends and family are well-equipped for the trials ahead. She believes weapons are the brushes with which warriors and politicians weave the tale of history. She has an almost religious respect for them, going as far as to bless certain weapons with prayers and incense. All of this is done alongside her magic infusion and high-quality crafting materials.

Rita's father is a well-known forgemaster and she hopes to follow in his footsteps. She believes outfitting The Worldwalker will help spread her name. That and despite her obsession with weapons, Rita is quite the soft and caring person. She wishes the best for anyone she thinks was dealt a bad hand, even if they are flawed or imperfect individuals.

Animae Laiah

Songstress Animae Laiah is known for many things. Her music is popular all over the universe, she's a well-known icon in popular media and she's incredibly talented. She's very in touch with culture online and across the network, which helps her build her influence and popularity.

Animae uses her voice and music as a magic tool, infusing her music with magic energy and using it both in and out of combat. She is also capable of repelling, controlling and redirecting magic energy with her voice, making her a necessity when dealing with dark entities and magic anomalies.

Animae loves pink things, cute things, sweet things and music. But don't let her beauty and reputation confuse you, she's also a dangerous combatant even without her magic. Animae uses a pair of bladed fans to quickly dispatch anyone threatening her or her companions as well as a selection of custom-made weapon instruments crafted by Rita Koi.

On a small side note, she's horrible at naming things. You can ask Flip for more information on that.

Zach of Nowhere

Zach breathes the city. He is the shadow in the alley, the virus in your machine and the embodiment of a free spirit in the concrete jungle of Metropia.

Previously a member of the cybercriminal organization HELP, after the death of his mentor Jared Tango Zach went on a quest for vengeance.

While that has currently been put on hold Zach has focused on honing his skills and building his contacts. He has backdoors into almost every website and even control over multiple satellites he really should not have access to.

Because of his technical knowledge, social engineering skills and willingness to fight dirty, Zach has made something of a name for himself in the criminal underbelly of Metropia.

But in recent times, he may have flown a little too close to the sun. While he keeps his activities relatively close to the chest, some are starting to catch on - and they're not happy with him.

Rei Reichtofen

Rei loves nature. She loves animals, monsters, endemic life, plantlife, fauna, the ocean, natural magic and anything else that's out in the wilderness. Bonus points if it can potentially kill you!

What some call reckless, Rei calls adventurous. She ventures off into the wilderness on her own for weeks at a time, studying local ecoystems and getting a feel for the land.

Rei is part of the organization known as "Flighters." This group focuses on the conservation, hunting and studying of monsters. They also help adventurers out by marking areas with monoliths designating different areas as dangerous or safe. Sometimes, they even work alongside The Violet Flame to set up quests to help cull local monster populations or fix issues with invasive species.

Rei values conservation over all else, only killing monsters when absolutely necessary. But make no mistake, if you face her in an environment she's had time to study as an enemy you will not make it out alive. While she is not capable of using magic, she is incredibly talented in the creation of traps and using her environment to her advantage.


Sandstinger is chaos in a two-foot shell, scurrying about alongside The Worldwalker as his self-proclaimed "personal bodyguard."

The two are nigh inseparable and go through a lot together.

Sandstinger is currently on a coming-of-age journey called "The Long Walk" in scorlik culture. Scorlik on Rosalvinia believe when you come of age you must venture out for three years before returning home, proving you have aged enough to fend for yourself. Sandstinger is eager to prove himself to his clan leader and full of energy.

While he may look like a large scorpion, his race are well-known across the galaxy as shockingly good warriors and intelligent enough they're held to the same standards as other intelligent races. Sandstinger takes pride in proving anyone who believes him to be inferior wrong, fighting hard with creative insults flying from his mouth the whole way.

Aeria Charlestone

Aeria Charlestone is one of the least important members of Westerlot's royal Charlestone family, or so most outsiders would say.

The reality is she is the glue holding what remains of the Westerlot Bomb Cavalier together, a young beacon bringing her people's old combat styles to life. Charging on horseback or atop motorized vehicles towards danger and using special magitech lances, the bomb cavalier is fearless even in the face of intense fire - and that has unfortunately (or fortunately should you dislike Westerlot) led to a sudden decrease in their number due to emergent technologies across the battlefield.

Aeria believes holding onto her tradition is important, but also understands the need for change. She also wishes to be remembered in her family line, not wanting to be a mere footnote beneath Prince Charlestone and King Charlestone.

This led to her meeting The Worldwalker and joining in his journey.


Deathwatch utters no words because naught needs to be said about him. He has no stories to share, no orders to bark. He simply survives.

Deathwatch is a Heavian warrior growing up on the fallen world of Heavion, a planet which was torn asunder by war and biological experimentation once sanctioned by the MUC a little over five hundred years ago.

He prefers to cleanse his homeworld of mutations and infected, but when the time comes, he is not afraid to journey out and help other planets and countries - especially when the infected from Heavion threaten to spread elsewhere.

He carries the relic weapon Strangling Virulence, a gun with unique properties and seemingly unlimited ammunition. In his offhand, a curved sickle - a weapon from his homeworld.

I must survive.

Words to live by for Steel, as he toils his way through a universe that cares little for him or his work. After losing his family on Heavion he made his way to the city world of Metropolis II, hoping to find new ways to combat the mutants and various infected found on his home planet.

Instead, he met Zane, and for better or worse the two have been inseparable ever since.

When the two joined with Achar and Wukong to accept a quest on behalf of The Violet Flame, they found themselves embroiled in a far larger plot then they had thought. Stranger still, Steel gained new power from an entity called The Chandelier of Bones. He even has a familiar by the name of Timn.

What does The Chandelier want with Steel?

Only time will tell. Learn more about him by watching The Clockwork Flock series.


Zane was never the best pickpocket, and that's landed him in trouble many times. But that doesn't stop him from trying, and damn it all he'll keep trying until he masters the art.

Zane specializes in street-level combat. So much so that many local Metropia gangs won't even engage with him, since the man can seemingly dodge any attack thrown at him even when facing the other direction.

Worse still on the rare occassion when Zane does get hit, he retaliates swiftly in kind. Using ingenuity and speed he lashes out at his enemies, tackling even the strongest of magi despite a lack of magic ability himself.

Armed with custom-made knives he wired himself using magitech wires from golems he's destroyed, Zane is out to make a name for himself - and earn a pretty penny while doing so. Learn more about him by watching The Clockwork Flock series!


Wukong is a local hero among the Feurlaiah population. While his name is not as widespread as other legends, he is well known regionally for swooping in and aiding adventurers in their time of need.

With his cat wyvern Hera at his side, Wukong is an unstoppable force that arrives in a blaze of firework rockets and celestial fire before disappearing back into the wilderness.

Despite his love of alcohol he remains relatively level-headed, although has something of a losing streak with women as of late. Perhaps with time that will change!

While Wukong may not look like much, don't let this shai fool you - steadfast, strong, fast and dangerous, Wukong will do anything he can to serve the will of The Celestials and help his countryfolk.

Learn more about him by watching The Clockwork Flock series!


Achar has a song sense of national pride like many other residents of the hubs on Shimmer. A rinju born and raised on Shimmer is already rare enough, but Achar has the added bonus of being an extremely skilled combatant.

While the surface of Shimmer is incredibly dangerous, being raised within the hub cities of the diamond world hardens an individual - much like the formation of a diamond, Achar thrives under pressure.

After losing his arms to a rogue golem, Achar was approached by a dark entity by the name of Strife. Her offer was simple: regain your arms, gain limitless power...but your life is mine.

Being armless and in the process of dying, the choice was obvious to Achar.

Now he is caught between the whims of this dark entity and suffering from shadow sickness, a crippling disease which will eventually kill him.

But despite this, Achar fights on. That is the way of Shimmer. Learn more about him by watching The Clockwork Flock series!


James is an oddity. Where others fall, he stands. He works beneath The Trophy Organization in hopes of learning more about magic anomalies and protecting the general public from the things that go bump in the night.

For an unknown reason, James has an exceedingly high survival rate when interacting with anomalous magics, entities and spaces. That survival rate, shockingly, sits at one hundred percent.

Where most would go insane, disappear, be eviscerated or torn asunder, James continues to prevail.

Alongside his Mechana companion Twix, he works as both an operative and drone specialist in the field and security within site facilities. His main goal is to protect a woman named Celeste, also known as "The Painter" by The Trophy Organization.

James Fade

Celeste is classified as an anomaly by The Trophy Organization. While most humans cannot use magic, Celeste is capable of creating paintings individuals can physically step into or pull items from.

Because of her strange abilities, she has been studied and experimented on for over a decade, stuck in a white room with a one-way glass window. Celeste is also incapable of speak, instead using a notepad to write out responses to anyone speaking with her.

Despite this, she has a relatively chipper attitude, although her deep-seated resentment toward Trophy is hard to miss. She's infatuated with James Fade, the man who she views as her saving grace despite her situation. The two are near inseparable and whenever one is transferred to another site, you can bet the second is close behind them.

Trophy has used this to keep Celeste under their thumb, even going as far as to threaten James to her face behind closed doors when she acts up.

Celeste dreams of freedom and finally stepping out of her cell. But until then, she will comply, waiting for her chance.


Raiah is part of The Trophy Organization's RAT program - a resource for anomalous testing. Viewed as strictly expendable but well liked by the other RAT subjects and many staff, Raiah is resourceful.

Despite her gruff, street-smart exterior, she's a very kind woman. She enjoys hot drinks and snacks.

Unlike most shai Raiah is not magically adept. This has led to her being ostracized by her family.

Despite this, she is still a force to be reckoned with - learning all sorts of first aid and combat techniques in her times under Trophy and on the streets before her kidnapping.

While little is known about her past it is said she has killed many men and has potential ties to a number of criminal organizations, hence why Trophy felt she was worth injecting into the RAT program.


Burras is a mechanical and electrical specialist, focusing on locking mechanisms, doors, panels and lighting.

He's not trained in combat, but make no mistake - when the time comes, he won't go down without a fight. Loyal to a fault and willing to throw himself in the way of danger, Burras is what everyone wants in a friend. Skilled, intelligent, kind, opinionated and outspoken, he's not afraid to take charge when need be and is the sole reason Trophy has had so few containment breaches on Metropolis II in the last few years.

He's close friends with James Fade and Celeste, accompanying the two of them on their allotted free time when he's not busy fixing things on behalf of The Trophy Organization.

Burras can make tools out of almost anything as well, which helps in situations where he loses his equipment. Mennequil are well-known to be good with their hands, but even among his race Burras stands out as something truly amazing.


The Veiled Queen, ruler of The Crimson Coast High Council. She sits upon the golden throne, the pinnacle of power and nobility. Few have seen her face since the bombing of Lai Inoi, but all know that her eyes are everywhere.

With fifteen children to her name, she has a powerful and expansive bloodline. This works incredibly well for her in shai society, earning her prestige among her peers and increasing her sphere of influence.

Most know her to be cold and calculated, with no mercy toward her political enemies. She speaks with purpose, walks with elegance, exudes confidence and really dislikes those who refuse to fight for their home country.

Respect is not given, it is earned - and to earn The Veiled Queen's respect, one must be quite the impressive individual indeed.

Kelsie Kirigama

Scott is one of the last few remaining Westerlot Knights. A man of honor and a man's man, drinking heavily with fellow soldiers and chortling boisterously alongside his companions.

Not only do the men serving with him appreciate his company, but women adore him. Scott can often be seen with many potential suitors, showing them a good time before politely declining any further advances. After all, he only has eyes for one woman.

He fights from the front, using his magitech blade with reckless abandon. Even despite the failings of his country, Scott wishes to make it and the surrounding lands a better place. Many view him as admirable and devout while others claim he is lost to the old ways, a stickler for Westerlot tradition and equipment.

When faced with hard decisions, he can always be counted on to make the right choice - even when the right choice isn't easy.

Scott Fehr

Her long silver hair and beauty are renown across The Crimson Coast, as is the sound she makes when she walks. The jingle of coins accompanies her arrival, and the downtrodden weep.

But not in fear. In joy.

The Queen of Serpents, protector of the poor, homeless and sick, Eu focuses on making her region and The Crimson Coast better for everyone - not just the nobles. Her claim to the bronze throne has never been challenged, as to do so would risk the wrath of the lower class. And the most shrewd nobles understand just what that rage would entail.

Eu is a loving woman. Loving to all, even those who do not deserve it. But do not mistake this loving nature for cowardice.

When needed, she will stand and fight. She does not take threats of violence lightly. One such individual threatened Eu in the street, only to wake up hours later with a coin-shaped hole through his upper forearm.

And so The Bronze Queen steps daintily across the stonework, allies on all sides and bright banners waving.

Eu Farseer

Sarisa is as sultry as she is elusive. Following the teachings of ancient shai spiritualism, she exists among the creatures of the forest - taking only what she needs and living freely. She can often be found laying nude in the natural hot springs of The Crimson Coast, lounging in secret spots very few sees and even fewer leave unscathed.

When forced to return to society due to technically being shai royalty, she cuts her long hair into a ponytail and adorns herself in animal furs and vines. Sarisa views most civilized society as wasteful and dangerous, and as such does not get along with most dignitaries and royalty.

Much like a wild beast she is capable of extreme violence when threatened. She prefers to retreat to the safety of her hidden groves and grottoes, but when cornered she will fight.

And trust me when I say you do not want to be on the receiving end of whatever violence she has in store.

Sarisa Kirigama

Tantan is a well-known trader in the Feurlaiah region of The Crimson Coast. Both viewed as surprigingly shrewd but ridiculously accident-prone, he own a small enterprise which collects oddities and strange knick-knacks.

For a scorlik Tantan holds a particularly large amount of wealth. At a young age he left his tribe to integrate into shai society and he hasn't stopped traveling since.

Tantan has a knack for fireworks and explosives and on multiple occassions has been caught smuggling goods that were either illegal or required permits to transport he didn't have. He pays these fines easily while avoiding jailtime by aiding local garrisons and governments when necessary.


Afterlife is a Heavian scientist who was taken in by The Trophy Organization due to her prowess in the field. She focuses on quickly developing antivenoms, serums, poisons and other tools of the trade.

Trophy has put her in charge of managing and collecting rare biological samples from different anomalies and extremely rare monsters, fungus, plantlife and other fauna.

Clinical, blunt, merciless and well-organized, when Afterlife sets out on a task she's quick to and efficient. While not always successful, she views failure as a stepping stone to victory.

She is often seen working alongside White, a famous Trophy operative who is known for his high success and survival rate. The two are almost unstoppable together.

Afterlife cares little for the ethics of her research, only that it is done. She believes the ends justify the means even in the face of great atrocity.


White is a legend among his peers. While not a single soul knows his actual name, what is known is as follows - callsign "White" is a shai male of unknown origin, age and family.

Trophy likes that about him. He's a clean slate they can use for anything. And White does his job with no holds barred. Where others would fail or run, White succeeds. When Trophy needs something done quickly and with the highest possible success rate, White is on call.

His equipment while similar to the standard Trophy armarments has several custom pieces, including boots which allow him to leap extreme distances by channeling magic energy into concentrated blasts.

Alongside this is his Trophy arsenal and wit, White is everything you want in an operative. He succeeds, and when he fails he makes sure he succeeds the second time. Not only that but he survives where other operators fall, making his experience irreplaceable.


Akaya has always wanted to see the universe, but more specifically the city country Metropia. Raised by the rinju of Metropolis II, he was never given the chance to grow up around the excitement and technology of the city. This gave him in a unique point of view when the Variant Program offered him a chance to visit the city for a short period on their own pay.

He also has a love of music, being one of his tribe's vocalists during songs honoring their ancestors. This led to him also being interested in more modern music, such as the star Minori Mika.

Akaya had a chance to meet his idol during his visit to the city and things escalated. Minori quickly took Akaya under her wing, teaching him about the city and all of the little secrets throughout.

And when the opportunity to face the things that go bump in the night and become an official member of Pentagram presented itself, Akaya steped forward. Afraid, but willing to face this fear head on.

Akaya Rinstone

Minori is a famous idol on Metropolis II. Her influence is quickly growing across the galaxy and her music is listened to far and wide.

She also has a secret, darker side.

Minori is a witch serving beneath The Chandelier of bones. She spends her nights battling creatures of the night and dealing with ghosts and spirits. Underneath the ghost-hunting organization Pentagram, Minori works with her friends and allies to try and keep both the spiritual world and the physical world as safe as possible.

The Chandelier, however, is finnickey - and knowing what it expects can be difficult. What Minori does know, however, is Metropolis II is on the bring of something big. And when the physical world is acting up, the spiritual world will be quick to follow.

To this end she binds Akaya Rinstone to herself as he familar, hoping for a companion and further assistance in her journey.

Minori Mika

Chynna is a Celestial Monk with a focus on telekinetic power. She is incredibly dangerous, wielding a variety of weapons which she can levitate with her mind.

At first Chynna worked on AV10, but after a decade of service she and a number of other monks decided to move to one of the only monasteries on Metropolis II.

During an investigation, Chynna accidentally ran into Minori Mika. The two had a brief confrontation before agreeing to aid one another. After Minori saw Chynna's power, she decided to take her back to her master and induct her into The Pentagram Organization.

Chynna agreed, but there was a catch.

She was not allowed to tell The Celestials.

Because of this Chynna lives a dangerous double life, working with witches and warlocks while also serving her masters. This has raised a number of questions among those of her rank. Where does she go? What does she do? Chynna always has an excuse, but excuses only work for so long.

Eventually, the truth will come out.


Zaneta owns a tavern in Zira Village called "The Happy Farmer." It's a popular spot for individuals working on behalf of The Violet Flame and different merchants and vendors who come through the area.

Like most in the village she also helps in the growing of feur peppers, a famous delicacy from the area. Zira specifically is well-known for a mixture of fresh fish and their peppers, and as such Zaneta has spent a lot of time learning new dishes to treat her patrons to.

While Zaneta is a mennequil and not native to The Crimson Coast, the people of Zira adore her and her stern but kind nature.

You can learn more about her in our Clockwork Flock series!

Zaneta Pepper

Tian'ha is a woman who specializes in one thing and one thing only - violence. Selected by Trophy specifically due to her ability to cause chaos, Tian'ha fights with tactics most would consider barbaric. The coralhorn was brutally mauled at a young age and raised on the outskirts of society, making her the ultimate survivor.

Using her water magic and harpoons she isolates enemies and kills them with brutal efficiency. Couple this with her blade and she is a serious danger on the battlefield.

While most Trophy operatives are required to don specific garments, Tian'ha is so good at what she does Trophy basically lets her do whatever she wants.

She has a quiet disposition, preffering actions to words - and she's not afraid to quickly show you exactly what she's capable of.


Selvinus is one of the last living members of the Hallow family, shai royalty who lived on The Hallowed Isles. Her elvish heritage married into the shai family many, many years ago.

Nowadays, the island is a popular tourist destination, having been turned into the location All Hallow's Faire takes place.

However Selvinus knows there is darkness on this island. True danger often kept under wraps due to the popular Day of the Dead celebration.

She's willing to teach anyone about her family history if they're willing to ask, and she's considered to be quite mysterious. Currently Selvinus runs a potion shop within All Hallow's Faire, selling goods to fairegoers during the faire itself and working with the guild throughout the year to keep the islands safe and stable.


Shiba Tanhoshi is the second in command of the Tanhoshi family, overseeing numerous villages in the Feurlaiah region and working directly with the Kirigama family.

While the Tanhoshi family is not viewed as particularly powerful, they are one of the longest royal lines to exist within The Crimson Coast.

Shiba spent many years toiling the feur pepper fields alongside farmhands working beneath her to make sure she properly understood the harvesting and gathering process.

However, when the time came she was quick to focus on her roles as a leader. She works hard, protecting her people to the best of her ability. But she also understands how The High Council works. Her castles and garrisons must be stocked, and her political enemies kept guessing. Because of this she is distrusting of many other royal bloodlines.

She also has a notoriously strange personality, keeping a smile on at all times while hiding what many view as a constant, barely visible rage.

Shiba Tanhoshi

Madonia works at the monastery near Zira Village, protecting the local inhabitants from dark entities and other oddities, while aiding in various farms and festivals.

The Celestials know the Kirigama and Feurlaiah regions are important to the overall universe, so many monks make their way to The Crimson Coast to work on their behalf.

Madonia is especially sensitive to dark energy. While small amounts of dark energy are generally invisible, she is gifted with the ability to see and detect it. The scrolls she wears list every dark entity she has rooted out and slain, even the names of lesser beings that most would ignore. She wears these as a reminder of her toils and the constant danger her people are in.

Learn more about her in The Clockwork Flock series on our youtube channel!

Madonia Talle

Miss Help is a free agent who previously worked for the HELP cyberterrorist organization, serving beneath Jared Tango before he was eventually betrayed by members of the group.

Ever since the group's breakup, she has worked alongside a number of suitors. Unable to let go of the past, she still wears the HELP insignia and keeps their legend alive - stealing documents and social engineering her way into whatever company she wants.

Because of her antics she's got a number of powerful enemies, including Zach of Nowhere who has personally sworn to kill her himself.

Her motives are dubious and her attitude is crass. Miss Help leaves her mark wherever she goes, whether or not you want her to.

Learn more about her in The Clockwork Flock series.

Miss "HELP"

Twix is an airborne mechana which works for The Trophy Organization. He specializes in short range combat and recon, working alongside James Fade and other operatives to enter spaces which humans and other large races cannot.

Friendly and playful but capable of turning deathly serious when the time requires, Twix is a fantastic addition to any team and can work well with anyone.

He comes equipped with FPV technology, allowing individuals to view what he is seeing through screens or goggles. This allows for recon from a safe distance, while Twix himself is capable of fast reactions to dart out of danger when the time comes.

Twix prefers to be treated like a member of the team over and piece of expensive equipment, and most are more than happy to acquiesce.


Niri is a loyal, kind and loving mother who wishes nothing but the best for her husband and son, Hitashi.

Her long white hair and vibrant red eyes help her stand out among other women of Eternity's Isle, and while dainty, she is not afraid to get her hands dirty when need be.

With a love of cooking and a good home life, Niri is proud of her family and what it has accomplished. When someone needs help she is quick to act, and while she is not extraordinarily skilled in any specific combat form when the time comes she will stand her ground.

If you ever get the change to meet her, definitely try her dumplings. They're known to be the best in Sunbreak, if you're lucky enough to get to try them.

Niri Whitewater

Hisan is an ex-monk long past his prime and has difficulty walking due to his years of service. Despite this, he still views himself as a servant of The Celestials and a staunch believer in monk values.

During his service, he met Niri Whitewater. After a great journey, he was rendered disabled and permitted to settle down due to this. The two have shared many years and are inseparable, and Niri gave birth to their son Hitashi only a year after their marriage.

Both stand side by side in support of their son and The Celestials. While Hisan may not look like much, he is capable of telekinetic magic acts.

He will defend his wife and son with everything he has when the time comes, serving the country of Maru and The Celestials to the best of his ability.

Hisan Whitewater

Sariel works alongside Angelic Salvation in hopes of spreading the word of what she views as the one true god and his followers and angels.

What does this mean? What is her end goal?

Read more in Isle of Eternity: Sapphire Heart!


Bunker is tall, strong and burly. The man has the strength of a beast and alongside his experimental weaponry, in terms of raw power he is nearly unmatched.

While little is known regarding his origins, rumor has it he is a heavian-goliath half-breed. Although whether this is true is up to debate, as many people think he may also be related to the Ulgon.

Bunker doesn't think his origins matter.

What he does know is Trophy isn't willing to let just anyone handle their hardware. And being given their hardware to play with is a lot of fun. So, Bunker volunteers.

Likewise, Bunker truly believes in Trophy's goal and message. He thinks that this technology is going to be the future of all humanoid races.

Normally Bunker focuses on retrieval missions, defending different positions so that other trapping teams can get their job done safely.
