The Trophy Organization

Application of knowledge is power. We are the first on the road to discovery.

- The Trophy Slogan

What is Trophy?

The Trophy Organization specializes in the handling of rare, anomalous, exotic and undocumented materials, magics, monsters and items. They mostly focus on anything not understood by common science and magic studies. This would include things such as dark magic, dimensional spaces, other planes of existence, creatures which disobey the laws of reality and much more. This can include magic as while magic is generally understood, there are some such as necromancy and dark magic that is still mostly unknown. Trophy contains these things in facilities across the known universe and study them for the betterment of humanity.

Whether they are friend or foe entirely depends on your perspective.

RAT Subjects and Their Purpose

Trophy believes what it does helps the entirety of mankind. Humanoids and all sapient life are under constant threat from strange, unknown beings and magic of strange origins.

While we think we understand the universe around us, the reality is we do not. And harnessing unknown power requires time, effort and research. What goes bump in the night must be dealt with by someone, and Trophy hopes to be that someone.

However, risking their own personnel would be stupid and risky. Trophy works with the best and brightest and unfortunately the turnover rate is already high enough as is.

This is where RAT subjects come in, also known as "Resources for Anomalous Testing." These RAT subjects are often in charge of interacting with dangerous objects on behalf of all mankind (And Trophy's various researchers and scientists.) Not all of these people volunteer willingly, but Trophy does not care. Their sacrifice is necessary for a better tomorrow.

Or so they say.

The Trophy Files

The Trophy Files is an upcoming set of short stories, or an anthology, that will be released in groups of 3-4 on various websites. The first Trophy File will be completely free and available to read right here on this website. It will be the shortest of the stories, but I hope you enjoy it regardless. Below will eventually be links to the publications individually, however this section is a work in progress.

Trophy OS

Trophy uses their own operating system, TROPHY OS. This operating system is guided by a built-in mechana called The Librarian. Little is known about The Librarian or it's location. Most mechana tend to humanize themselves, referring to be treated like humans. But The Librarian does not see itself as a mechana. It sees itself as the god of Trophy's information network.

While it is initially smooth-talking, the mechana has been said to make vague, sometimes threatening statements during research it is helping with.

Despite this, Trophy refuses to get rid of it. Strange, is it not?